Saturday, October 16, 2010

Post #77

Feast Day: October 16, 2010
Copiosa Apud Eum Redemptio

Saint Gerard Majella (April 6, 1726, Muro Lucano, Basilicata – October 16, 1755, Caposele, Campania) is a Roman Catholic saint. He is the saint whose intercession is requested for children (and unborn children in particular), childbirth, mothers (and expectant mothers in particular), motherhood, falsely accused people, good confessions, lay brothers and Muro Lucano, Italy.

When he was born, he was given the name Gerard. He was the son of a tailor who died when Gerard was twelve, leaving the family in poverty. His mother then sent him to her brother so that he could teach Gerard how to sew and help the business. During this time, he was abused by a man whom his uncle sent to help him. He kept silent, but soon his uncle found out and the man who taught him resigned from the job. He loved to be like Jesus Crucified and tried at all costs to suffer. He tried to join the Capuchin order, but his health prevented it. He joined the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer founded by St. Alphonsus in 1749.

When falsely accused by a pregnant woman of being the father of her child, he retreated to silence. She later recanted and cleared him, and thus began his association as patron of all aspects of pregnancy. He was reputed to have bilocation and read consciences. His last will consisted of a small note on the door of his cell saying, "Here the will of God is done, as God wills, and as long as God wills." He died on October 16, 1755 in Caposele of tuberculosis, aged 29.

Gerard Majella was beatified in Rome on January 29, 1893, by Pope Leo XIII. He was canonised less than twelve years later on December 11, 1904, by Pope Saint Pius X. The feast day of Saint Gerard Majella is October 16.

Lord, as we are unworthy to come before you alone, we make these prayers to you through the intercession of St. Gerard.

1. Lord, you are always ready to forgive us our sins, help us to repent and to live continually in your friendship.
Through the intercession of St. Gerard, Lord hear us.
2. Lord, the giver of all life, protect the lives of all unborn children that their parents may rejoice at their birth.
Through the intercession of St. Gerard, Lord hear us.
3. Lord, you found happiness in your home in Nazareth, grant to our families a share in this happiness.
Through the intercession of St. Gerard, Lord hear us.
4. Lord, you are the giver of true peace, grant that there may be peace with justice throughout the world and especially in our own country.
Through the intercession of St. Gerard, Lord hear us.
5. Lord, we know that the harvest is great but that the labourers are few, grant to your church many good priests, brothers and nuns.
Through the intercession of St. Gerard, Lord hear us.
6. Lord, you were always interested in the sick and suffering grant that they may be restored to health if it be your holy will.
Through the intercession of St. Gerard, Lord hear us.

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